This is a profile from our “You Rescue Me” contest, which ran in early 2014. This particular entry won second prize, a 0 donation to paws4people / paws4vets.
Hi! My name is Jack and I want to tell you about my dog Caylie. When I was really little, a mean woman shook me and hurt my brain. I could no longer walk or talk and I was very sad. I found a new family though and have lots of safe love now. When I was about six, my Mom and Dad heard about paws4people from a friend at church. They applied for a service dog to help me and I got one! My sweet Caylie has been with us for four years now and she rescued me big time! With her help and love, I can go anywhere and talk to people and always feel safe. I’m the kid with the cool dog and we rock! Thanks paws4people. I love you!