This is a profile from our “You Rescue Me” contest, which ran in early 2014. This story was submitted by Kristin on behalf of 11th Hour Rescue.
Kelsier is 2 years old and the first dog I’ve rescued. Kel was in Alabama and his owners, for some unknown reason, gave him to a kill shelter. Then, 11th Hour Rescue transported him to and fostered him in New Jersey. He was so skinny, nervous, and shaking that it broke my heart. When we first got him, he was extremely introverted and always had his tail between his legs. But, slowly over time, Kel is flourishing.
He is always happy and chooses cuddling over playing every time. We are working towards becoming a Therapy Dog Team because he brings happiness wherever he goes and appreciates every ounce of affection people give him.
Kelsier has taught us that the cliches are true, “Great things come in tiny packages,” and “All you need is love.”